Advice to Little Girls is a humorous short story written by Mark Twain in 1865 and published in 1867. However, it would not be wise for young a girls to take the advice to heart. That said, given the gore of the Civil War, its references to fantasies of methods for resolving sibling tensions are relatively tame. Besides, the piece is certainly tongue-in-cheek, having Twain's mock seriousness and absurdities that abound.
Often what starts out as a reasonable suggestion for mutually compatible co-existence ends up as being ludicrous and outrageous. Scalding a younger brother with hot water as a method to secure his attention falls in this category.
Other Stories includes: Was it Heaven? Or Hell?, The $30,000 Bequest, A Dog's Tale, The Five Boons of Life, How to Tell a Story, and others...
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