African Traditions Meeting Islam

African Traditions Meeting Islam

by Lawrence Odhiambo Oseje
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 31/12/2018

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In many communities across the world traditional beliefs and practices are passed down generations and are a feature of day-to-day life, despite the influence of outside sources. Focusing on Luo Muslims in Kenya, Dr Lawrence Oseje looks at the interaction of Islam and traditional Luo practices, especially those around death and burial. Dr Oseje’s research with Luo Muslims in Kendu Bay investigates the impact of the traditional Luo conceptualization of death with their current views, and provides new understanding of fundamental issues that affect the lives of ordinary Muslims. From his observation of this community, Oseje encourages a celebration of traditions and customs, showing that an appreciation of traditions and beliefs can help develop ministry to local communities. Dr Oseje’s findings result in a deepened understanding of cultures, how they develop from a blend of influences, and provides anthropological and missiological guidelines for cross-cultural ministry, particularly in times of bereavement.

Coping with death & bereavement
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Langham Creative Projects

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