Age-Friendly Neighbourhood Planning and Design Guidelines: A Singapore Case Study provides evidence-based research and examples of existing good practices on health-enabling, age-friendly neighbourhood provision. These relate to the planning and design of outdoor spaces and enabling opportunities for active, healthy ageing. Importantly, our research prioritises the need to engage with older people when creating neighbourhood environments that contribute to healthy ageing in place.
The book and its supplementary toolkits touches on 3 main stages of age-friendly neighbourhood project — planning (environmental audit), implementation (planning and design guidelines) and evaluation of progress made (post-implementation review). We hope that these materials will contribute to the ongoing discourse of how to (re)envision urban neighbourhoods to enhance health and quality of life as people age. Needless to say, they do not supersede but support existing guidelines or regulations to improve everyday neighbourhood environment for healthy ageing in place.
Co-creation with older people is a central tenet of our research on ageing urbanism at the Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities. The Lee Li Ming Programme in Ageing Urbanism conducts applied research on built environment and health of ageing population, arguing for a more integrated environmental, social and spatial approach to identify the connection between the built environment, health and quality of life that can inform the design for age-friendly neighbourhoods and communities.
About the Authors
About This Guidebook:
- Background
- Why We Need Age-Friendly Neighbourhood Planning and Design Guidelines?
- Scope and Objectives
- Conceptual Framework
- Who are These Guidelines For?
- Structure of This Guidebook
Why AFN? Past and Way Forward:
- Why Age-Friendly Neighbourhoods?
- What is an Age-Friendly Neighbourhood?
- Age-Friendly Codes and Practices in Singapore
- Challenges and Gaps
- Opportunities
Urban Planning:
Provision of Spaces:
- Introduction
- Land Use Mix
- Public Spaces
- Greenery
- Public Amenities
Connecting Spaces for Accessibility:
- Introduction
- Public Transport
- Street Network
Urban Design:
Designing Spaces and Connections:
- Introduction
- Aesthetic Quality
- Environmental Condition
- Safety
- Sense of Place
- Walkable Environment
Way Forward:
Activating Ageing-Friendly Neighbourhood for All:
- Introduction
- Continued Leadership
- Collaboration and Engagement
- Participation and Co-Production
- Annex I: Resources and Readings
Readership: Age-friendly cities — over 750 cities and communities in 39 countries in WHO global network of agefriendly cities (with more to join in coming years); policymakers, planners, architects, designers and researchers interested and working on age-friendly city development. Teachers and students of design disciplines (eg architecture, urban planning), cities (e.g. geography, urban studies, urban management), gerontology.
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