'An outpouring of truth, wit, and beautiful comedic wisdom.' Katherine Ryan
'Such a funny and interesting book.' Sara Pascoe
'Finally my vagina has a voice!' London Hughes
'Powerful, bold, vulnerable, beautiful, hilarious, universal, unique.' Scarlett Curtis
For as long as she can remember, Grace Campbell has been told that she doesn't suit her name. But being graceful is no fun anyway.
Growing up in a world of privilege and politics, she had a lot to feel confident about. But she was also a record-breaker when it came to feeling shame. Shame about sex, shame about rejection, shame about mental health.
But over time, and with a 24 carat gold dose of female friendship, Grace has turned shame into a defiant sense of self. At only 27, Grace has got a lot to learn about being an adult, but she's already got a lot to share about being a disgrace, and how she came to be utterly, disgustingly, disgracefully proud of it.
This is the book every young woman should read, and every young man should worry about.
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