Amish Family Ties
Hannah Lambright becomes an instant mother when her estranged father abandons his toddler daughter on her doorstep. The pretty beekeeper knows all about honey–and nothing about tending to a kinder, especially one with special needs. She's grateful to Daniel Stoltzfus for offering to help care for her sister in exchange for Hannah's beekeeping skills on a hive at his workplace. But the handsome carpenter broke her heart years ago and she's afraid it's never quite mended. Yet spending time with the boppli whisperer and the sweet little girl has love-shy Hannah hoping the family they're forming will last forever.
- 9781489232540
- 9781489232540
- Romance
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Mills & Boon Love Inspired
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