This book continues the chronological look at the inner workings of our government in the last two years of Donald Trump's administration and the resulting insurrection. He has lost the investigative power of the House of Representatives in the midterm election, but still controls the Senate under the compliant leadership of Mitch McConnell. Now he needs to find a willing Attorney General in order to control the Judiciary Branch. He finds that in William Barr. President Trump has been emboldened by newly appointed A.G. Barr with his dismissal of the Special Counsel Robert Mueller investigation. With the help of compliant Republicans in Congress, he believes that he can do no wrong.
Unfortunately, our deep division in American thinking has been created by individuals and organizations that are using our beloved internet for their own selfish purposes. Across this communication highway, we have mainstream, conservative, and social media all vying for our attention. Good intentions seem to be overwrought by predatory ambitions. This constant stream of sensationalized misinformation has created a storm of hateful division. Wayward focus groups are urged to gather together and fight for the causes that they have been directed to believe in, the truth be damned.
What is most frightening about this change in American lifestyle is that the President of the United States is primarily responsible for this deep division. Donald Trump is a master manipulator. He will do whatever is necessary to obtain control, using whomever he can to succeed and punishing all who oppose his ambitions. Trump has forever made elaborate and baseless claims about election fraud, even after the Electoral College confirmed Joe Biden's victory on December 14. Five days later, he tweeted, "Big protest in DC on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!" He then tweeted seven more times calling attention to the event, including one on January 1 that included the phrase "Stop the Steal!"
In this book, I continue my conversations with die hard Trump supporters. Unlike his bigoted and brutal MAGA insurrectionists, these people are our everyday friends and family. What I have learned with these debates is that their beliefs and expressive language mimic those of the numerous hosts of Fox News programming. They steadfastly cling to outrageously unbelievable conspiracy theories that are promoted by guests on Fox News and other far-right conservative media. Read what they have to say and my response, then decide for yourself where and why this misinformation is so destructive.
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