Targeted to graduate students of mathematics, this book discusses major topics like the Lie group in the study of smooth manifolds. It is said that mathematics can be learned by solving problems and not only by just reading it. To serve this purpose, this book contains a sufficient number of examples and exercises after each section in every chapter. Some of the exercises are routine ones for the general understanding of topics. The book also contains hints to difficult exercises. Answers to all exercises are given at the end of each section. It also provides proofs of all theorems in a lucid manner. The only pre-requisites are good working knowledge of point-set topology and linear algebra.
- 9789819905652
- 9789819905652
- Differential & Riemannian geometry
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Springer Nature Singapore
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