And the Place Was Shaken

And the Place Was Shaken

by John Franklin
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 01/11/2005

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Prayer for the church is not a casual practice but communion between Christ and His body that is as intimate as communion between a husband and a wife. And for the church, corporate prayer is not an optional ritual but a commanded expectation. However, having an effective corporate experience of prayer-whether in a large congregational setting or a small group-depends on many factors. John Franklin highlights not only the theology behind powerful corporate prayer times but also the effective habits and practices of a praying church. Know why God especially requires corporate prayer.

Christian prayer
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
B&H Publishing Group
John Franklin

John Franklin has been collecting Britains (and other) traditional toy soldiers for over sixty years and has a strong reputation as an expert upon them.

He has written numerous articles for Old Toy Soldier magazine, several of which form the basis of chapters within this book. He was born in Hull but now lives in Surrey.

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