Get ready to discover how great the human spirit is. You will find Anna Angel's persistent belief in the Lord pushes her, threw all of the Devil's traps. Anna Angel must win and you will be right there with her ever step of the way. A must read for those that believe and those that don't. The Devil does not want you to read this story. You will find out why at the end of the book. So many stories, so many books, what should you read? Get this now while you can, so you can tell your friends that you know who Anna Angel is. So share the news and start a Anna Angel Club. Give copies to your friends and your enemies. Yes, they will thank you for it. An so will Richard Porter.
- 9781310722691
- 9781310722691
- Short stories
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Richard Porter
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