Anointed but Broken

Anointed but Broken

by Nikki St.Clair
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 11/06/2024

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Brokenness Leads to Submission to God

To be broken is something no one wants to go through. But in order to come into alignment with the Father's will, sometimes, He allows brokenness in our lives. God does not allow brokenness to break our spirit, but rather to grow us into the person He created us to be. God allows brokenness to break us from living independently of His will. He allows brokenness to remove sin from our lives. He allows brokenness to remove obstacles that hinder our walk with Christ. He allows brokenness to bring us into full submission to Him. He allows brokenness so that He can use us as vessels for His glory. Brokenness is a blessing, even when it's painful.

Brokenness is a blessing that leads to a surrendered life to Jesus, spiritual growth, a deeper relationship with Christ, spiritual discernment, living in the will of God, a Christ-centered life, security in Christ, freedom from fear, an obedient life, recognizing that the Lord Jesus is our only source, trust in the Lord, and a purpose-driven life.

Coping with death & bereavement
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Trilogy Christian Publishing

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