Apex Magazine is a monthly science fiction, fantasy, and horror magazine featuring original, mind-bending short fiction from many of the top pros of the field. New issues are released on the first Tuesday of every month.
Words from the Editor-in-Chief—Jason Sizemore
How Lovely Is the Silence of Growing Things—Evan Dicken
The Three-tongued Mummy—E. Catherine Tobler
Hiraeth: Tragedy in Four Acts—Karen Lord
Interview with Author Evan Dicken—Andrea Johnson
Why Write? (Excerpt from Yours to Tell)—Steve Rasnic Tem & Melanie Tem
Interview with Cover Artist Marcela Bolivar—Russell Dickerson
In the Eye of the Beholder: An Interview with Stephen Korshak—Lesley Conner
Quantum Night: An Interview with Author Robert J. Sawyer—Andrea Johnson
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