It's a little known fact that the United States invaded Russia.
On the very day the armistice was signed, November 11, 1918, American troops were fighting and dying in north Russia in an offensive they launched after taking over Archangel. The 339th Regiment, from Michigan and Wisconsin, was the American spearhead of the allied force. Along with British, French, and Canadians, they sought to rally Russians to their cause and overthrow the Russian revolutionary government.
This is a firsthand account written by a soldier who served there.
John Cudahy, who later served as Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Ambassador to Poland in the 1930s, was a soldier in the First World War. He served on the Western Front before being assigned to the American North Russia Expeditionary Force (A.N.R.E.F.).
He served there for about two years, based in the city of Archangel. He does not hold back in describing the savagery of battle, the harshness of the cold, or his opinions about how mismanaged and foolish the American invasion of Russia was.
He originally published this book anonymously, as a Chronicler, in order to speak the truth while preserving his political career.
This is a new edition of the public domain book that was originally published in 1924.
This new edition includes:
- Remarks from Leon Trotsky about the North Russian campaign.
- A reproduction of a letter to the Wilson administration and the US Congress asking for the Americans in North Russia to be brought home.
- More archival photos and newspaper clippings from the time period.
- A new Foreword written by the publisher.
- Several footnotes illuminating the references made by the author.
- New format, layout, typesetting.
Bulkington Book's mission is to build a bridge into the past, before film, television, copyright, and internet swallowed up the world. We found this story worthy of revival, and we hope you find it worth your while.
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