Big changes are happening in Riverdale! Between switching careers and growing families, everyones got a lot on their plates! With everyone so busy, Archie has had to hire someone new to manage the Chowhouse Too. The new manager is efficient and experienced, but a newbie to Riverdale. Can he make good decisions without changing the way things were too much? Meanwhile, Jugheads a wreck while his and Midges baby is on the way. Can he continue to run the Chocklit Shoppe while he waits? Or will he need to get by with a little help from his friends?
- 9781627383103
- 9781627383103
- Graphic novels
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout), Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Archie Comic Publications, Inc
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