In this book and its companion volume, The Subordinate Substitute, Peter Carnley unpicks logical knots and entanglements of argument found today in contemporary expressions of belief in the "eternal functional submissiveness" of the Son to the Father. "Trinitarian subordinationism" and "complementarianism" is characteristically found, along with associated conservative evangelical beliefs in the subordination of women to men, and the theology of redemption known as the "penal substitutionary theory" of the atonement. This theological package is energetically promoted amongst conservative evangelical Christians--most notably members of the Southern Baptist Church, and Presbyterians of the Westminster Tradition in the United States and Britain, and very significantly, amongst conservatively minded Anglicans of the Diocese of Sydney and elsewhere across Australia. All the while the argument of this book is driven by the question of whether this popular phenomenon of contemporary evangelical Christianity is fairly and legitimately categorized as a modern form of the ancient heresy of Arianism.

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