This Army techniques publication (ATP) provides doctrinal guidance and techniques that assist personnel who are appointed to perform duties in the CERP.
ATP 1-06.2 has four chapters and five appendices. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the program and describes its congressional intent and considerations for implementation. It allows participants to understand the purpose of the program and provides guidelines to maximize use. Chapter 2 describes roles and responsibilities within the program and allows all participants to understand their interaction and why their duties are unique. Chapter 3 illustrates the different processes associated with the procurement of goods or services and special payments involved in the program and the timing of each participant’s duties. This chapter assists participants in understanding the chronological flow of different tasks. Chapter 4 explains specific tasks associated with the transfer of authority (TOA) between units and sets the conditions for smooth transition. The subsequent appendices provide process matrices and sample forms.
ATP 1-06.2 was developed to expand on FM 1-06, Financial Management Operations, Chapter 2, Fund the Force. Prevalent practices were also extracted from several theater-level standing operating procedures (SOPs).
ATP 1-06.2 applies to all Army components across the operating and generating force, and during all levels of military operations.
The proponent for this manual is the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) and the preparing agent is the U.S. Army Soldier Support Institute (SSI).
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