Army Techniques Publication ATP 3-17.2 Airfield Opening October 2018

Army Techniques Publication ATP 3-17.2 Airfield Opening October 2018

by United States Government US Army
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 19/05/2019

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This multi-Service tactics, techniques, and procedures publication for Airfield Opening, Army Techniques Publication ATP 3-17.2 Airfield Opening October 2018, is a single source, descriptive reference guide for opening and transferring an airfield. It is also known as MCRP 3-20B.1, NTTP 3-02.18, AFTTP 3-2.68, and MCRP 3-21.1B.

It includes the following:

Chapter I Expeditionary Airfield Planning

Chapter I provides commanders and staffs tactics, techniques, and procedures to use in planning an expeditionary or contingency airfield. This chapter includes discussion on the operational environment, mission analysis, integration of the United States Transportation Command joint task force-port opening, and air traffic control planning considerations.

Chapter II Airfield Assessment and Surveys

Chapter II examines airfield assessment capabilities including assessment team options, assessment considerations, provides an overview of surveys, and examines how to publish survey and assessment data.

Chapter III Opening an Airfield

Chapter III provides guidance on opening an airfield, including planning factors, command relationships, functions of an airfield, available forces, and how to perform initial operations.

Chapter IV Airfield Transition Operations

Chapter IV provides an overview of airfield transition operations. This chapter discusses preparation, transition to follow-on forces or the host nation, enabling civil authority, and closing an airfield.

Appendix A Airfield Planning Checklist

Appendix A provides users a planning checklist to prepare prior to conducting contingency airfield operations.

Appendix B Airfield Assessment and Survey Checklist

Appendix B provides users with an assessment and survey checklist to build off the Air Mobility Command Form 174, Airfield Survey.

Appendix C Airfield Opening Checklist

Appendix C provides users a comprehensive checklist to open and run a contingency airfield.

Appendix D Air Traffic Control and Airfield Transition Checklist

Appendix D provides users a checklist to transition air traffic control and the airfield to follow-on forces, the host nation, or a civil authority.

Appendix E United States Army Capabilities

Appendix E examines Army airfield opening capabilities, organizations, and available forces.

Appendix F United States Marine Corps Capabilities

Appendix F examines Marine Corps airfield opening capabilities, organizations, and available forces.

Appendix G United States Air Force Capabilities

Appendix G examines Air Force airfield opening capabilities, organizations, and available forces.

Appendix H United States Engineer Capabilities

Appendix H examines Army, Marine Corps, Airforce, and Navy engineering capabilities, organizations, and available forces as they relate to airfield operations.

Appendix I United States Transportation Command Joint Task Force-Port

Opening (JTF-PO) Capabilities

Appendix H examines JTF-PO Capabilities and organization.

Appendix J Service Air Traffic Control Ratings and Credentials

Appendix J examines Service air traffic control ratings, credentials, and how Services certify air traffic controllers.

Appendix K Airfield Layout and Characteristics

Appendix K examines the key features of an airfield and layout considerations.

Warfare & defence
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
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