In this guide you'll learn about the healing power of scent and explore the finer distinctions of aroma.
Aromatherapy Essential oils are known for promoting a broad spectrum of therapeutic results according to their particular chemical properties. However the healing benefits of essential oils are most especially enjoyed according to their unique aromatic character and quality.
The sense of smell is considered by many authorities to be the most powerful of your five senses. Your sense of smell touches and affects you at the deepest most profound levels of your being. Your sense of smell powerfully affects your memory and mood, and influences your other sense perceptions.
AROMATHERAPY - HEALING POWER OF SCENT is a quick and helpful reference guide for selecting pure essentials that heal by their scent and includes their Latin name (botanical species), so you will know exactly which variety of the essential oil to purchase that will give you the desired aromatic quality and therapeutic effects you desire.
You'll find out 18 classifications of aroma for formulating healing blends by scent. Each of the 18 classifications includes a complete list of pure essential oils for you to try by their aromatic character and quality.
Also noted are the species of essential oils currently endangered with suggestions for a replacement oil to consider.
You will also receive an ADDED BONUS of the 'Blending Secrets Guide' I use when formulating blends and that my mentees and students use when learning about formulating blends.
You'll have an opportunity to formulate your own blend of essential oil and use it in a one ounce base of your favorite carrier oil. This aromatic blend can be used as massage oil or applied as a skin nourishing oil. All the blending supplies you'll need are given in your book.
I've also included a few additional recipes for essential oils blends for you to try.
"The importance of scent has long been underestimated. Studies have repeatedly demonstrated that smells alone can stimulate amazing reactions in the body. One aroma may enhance memory while another assuages anxiety. Any systematic approach to wellness should include multi-sensory stimuli and I can think of no one better to teach aromatherapy than KG Stiles. Her 30 years of experience combined with her compassionate passion to assist and facilitate the personal growth and wellness of all is unsurpassed! It is without hesitation that I recommend KG's Aromatherapy course." ~Eldon Taylor, Ph.D., FAPA
New York Times Bestselling Author of
Choices and Illusions and Mind Programming
"It has been a pleasure working with KG Stiles. She has been a key resource in creating a hospital based Aromatherapy program and educating the staff about the therapeutic principals and applications of essential oils. Thank you, KG!" ~Linda McGwire, RN, BSN, HNC-B
"I highly recommend this course to all who are interested in holistic curing and the way that aromatherapy can be applied as an effective Mind Body technique." ~John L. Turner, MD, Neuro-surgeon, Author - Medicine, Miracles & Manifestations
About the LoveNotes brand: LoveNotes are short reads and summary books created with the intention to inspire and support you to create the truly satisfying life you desire. Each LoveNote focuses on a specialized topic of interest and is created to help you save valuable time and get to the heart of what's most important to you quickly!
Hope you love your LoveNotes as much as I enjoy creating them for you!
Aromatically yours,
-KG Stiles, Author,
Certified Clinical Aromatherapist
Founder PurePlant Essentials
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