As a Man Thinketh is James Allen’s signature book, written in 1902 and published in 1903. It offers a powerful message reminding readers that we are ultimately responsible for our own life creations. The author compares the human mind to fertile soil and thoughts to the seeds we plant in it. In Allen’s words: “A man’s mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must and will, bring forth.” This analogy reflects that there is a universal law operating in the universe, the law of cause and effect, which highlights that our reality is a reflection of our beliefs; whether conscious or unconscious. To live this life with a divine purpose, one must embody universal principles to become one with the Absolute.
This edition provides an insightful introduction to the writer’s life, casting light on what made Allen one of the pioneers of the modern self-help genre and what influenced him to write As a Man Thinketh. It highlights the psychological New Thought movement that was paramount in the author’s time. This edition contains:
• The original 1902 edition of As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
• A biography of James Allen that highlights the tragic events that shaped his character and examines the evolution of his thoughts that led to his life work
• Reviews important, psychological New Thought Movement of the 19th century
• Modern commentary of key points of his book, using current language understood by everyone today
• Reflections & Further Spiritual Developments is additional chapter, and it contemplates divine laws
The purpose of adding modern commentary is to uphold and heighten Allen’s influence on today’s truth seekers. The objective is to refresh the original writer’s directive for contemporary readers so that no information is lost or impaired by outdated language. The last chapter, contemplates the new self-help literature that came after As a Man Thinketh and explores ideas what it means to align ourselves with the divine laws.
The book offers timeless wisdom that is as relevant today as it was over a century ago, making it a valuable addition to readers’ personal development library. The beautifully designed book cover and well-crafted annotations added by Marianna Maliszewska will make this edition of the timeless classic As a Man Thinketh an essential addition to your e-book collection.
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