Astounding Stories Of Super Science August 1930 features seven Classic Science Fiction Stories from the "Golden Age of Science Fiction". Contents and short description: "The Planet Of Dread" by R.F. Starzl: A Stupid Blunder—and Mark Forepaugh Faces a Lifetime of Castaway Loneliness in the Savage Welter of the Planet Inra's Monster-ridden Jungles, "The Lord Of Space" by Victor Rousseau: A Black Caesar Had Arisen on Eros—and All Earth Trembled at His Distant Menace. "The Second Satellite" by Edmond Hamilton: Earth-men War on Frog-vampires for the Emancipation of the Human Cows of Earth's Second Satellite. (A Novelet) "Silver Dome" by Harl Vincent: In Her Deep-buried Kingdom of Theros, Phaestra Reveals the Amazing Secret of the Silver Dome, "Earth, The Marauder": Deep in the Gnome-infested Tunnels of the Moon, Sarka and Jaska Are Brought to Luar the Radiant Goddess Against Whose Minions the Marauding Earth Had Struck in Vain. (Part Two of a Three-Part Novel), "Murder Madness" by Murray Leinster: Bell Has Fought through Tremendous Obstacles to Find and Kill The Master, Whose Diabolical Poison Makes Murder-mad Snakes of the Hands; and, as He Faces the Monster at Last—His Own Hands Start to Writhe! (Conclusion), "The Flying City" by H. Thompson Rich: From Space Came Cor's Disc-city of Vada—Its Mighty, Age-old Engines Weakening— Its Horde of Dwarfs Hungry for the Earth!

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