My Wifes Death I see my self as saving patients lives and money. What that means to me is passing on my first hand experience of the malpractice death of my wife on July 19, 2004 , the resulting malpractice lawsuit suit and years of hard research on our health care system. My wife was an outstanding lady. She was the first woman bank vice president in Lubbock , Texas . Her death devastated me and my son and his family to this day. In fact she was rocking one of his two daughters two nights before she went into hospital. Her death haunts me even more me because it was preventable! A preventable infection. I blindly trusted the health care system and was betrayed.
- 9781496901712
- 9781496901712
- Intensive care medicine
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Authorhouse
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