AUP New Poets 6

AUP New Poets 6

by Vanessa CrofskeyBen Kemp Chris Stewart and others
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 12/03/2020

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Post-it notes and shopping lists, Japanese monks and children's lungs: AUP New Poets 6 is a deep dive into the rich diversity of New Zealand poetry today.Relaunched under the editorship of Anna Jackson in 2019, AUP New Poets 6 includes substantial selections from the poetry of Ben Kemp, Vanessa Crofskey and Chris Stewart. We move from Kemp's slow-paced attentive readings of place and people, in a selection moving between Japan and New Zealand, to the velocity of Vanessa Crofskey's fierce, funny, intimate and political poetry, which takes the form of shopping lists, Post-it Notes, graphs, erasures, a passenger arrival card and even *poetry*, and finally to Chris Stewart's visceral take on the domestic, the nights cut to pieces by teething, the gravity of love and the churn of time.AUP New Poets 6 is an arresting introduction to the rich diversity of contemporary New Zealand poetry.

Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Auckland University Press
Chris Stewart

Chris Stewart shot to fame with Driving Over Lemons, which became an international bestseller, as did its sequels, A Parrot in the Pepper Tree, The Almond Blossom Appreciation Society and The Last Days of the Bus Club.

Chris had prepared for life on his Spanish mountain farm with jobs of doubtful relevance. He was the original drummer in Genesis (he played on the first album), then joined a circus, learnt how to shear sheep, went to China to write the Rough Guide, gained a pilot's license in Los Angeles, and crewed a sailing boat across the Atlantic (a story told in his book, Three Ways to Capsize a Boat). Everyone always wants to know if Chris and Ana are still living on their farm, El Valero. Of course they are! Along with numerous dogs, cats, chickens and sheep.

Anna Jackson

Anna Jackson is Deputy Keeper of the V&A's Asian Department. She c0-curated Encounters: the Meeting of Asia and Europe 1500-1800 with Amin Jaffer and co-edited the accompanying book (V&A 2004).

She is also the author of Japanese Textiles (V&A 2000) and EXPO (V&A 2008) and a contributor to Art Deco (V&A 2003).

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