AUP New Poets 8

AUP New Poets 8

by Lily HollowayModi Deng Tru Paraha and others
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 16/09/2021

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Lilting bees and unidentifiable birds, long-division problems and continental cornflakes: three remarkable voices arrive in AUP New Poets 8. In AUP New Poets 8, Lily Holloway, Tru Paraha, and Modi Deng come together to produce a volume of remarkable inventions and intoxications. Lily Holloway leads off with her collection 'a child in that alcove,' using an inventive approach to form to lead the reader into the ordinary extraordinary events of daily life, her poetry filling them with dazzle and dread, questions and memories. Then Tru Paraha takes us inside 'my darkling universe'—a world 'perpetually astral' and 'utterly spaghettified,' a poetic universe of unexpected letters and words and forms, where te reo Maori collides with atomic chemistry. Finally, Modi Deng travels through time and space into the lives of Brahms and backpackers, where uneasy conversations between mothers and children, between 'the subjects and myself,' between Beijing and London, provide beauty and solace. Three new voices, three compelling visions, all bound together in AUP New Poets 8.

Poetry anthologies (various poets)
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Auckland University Press
Anna Jackson

Anna Jackson is Deputy Keeper of the V&A's Asian Department. She c0-curated Encounters: the Meeting of Asia and Europe 1500-1800 with Amin Jaffer and co-edited the accompanying book (V&A 2004).

She is also the author of Japanese Textiles (V&A 2000) and EXPO (V&A 2008) and a contributor to Art Deco (V&A 2003).

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