Autumn Chill

Autumn Chill

by Dave Stone
Publication Date: 11/05/2015

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A boy and his dog, what could be more natural than that, but when my dog mysteriously dies, along with a few others, it is soon determined that they didn't just die, but they were outright killed! This information stunned me. Who could do such a dastardly thing?

A boy and his friends is a natural thing too, and mine were loyal and true. So off we go to find this...person, but where do we begin? We huddle and muddle and scratch our heads. Eventually our focused deliberations shine a light on a suspect or two, so under cover of darkness we begin our quest. We have no idea what this search will reveal, but it won't be much longer until we're up to our necks in mystery, trouble, and a dark underbelly of the town that we had no idea was even out there, and now that we've cracked its surface we're not at all sure if we can find our way out. But whatever happens we're determined to see this thing through, not only because of our friendship, but also in remembrance of my poor little dog.

Publication Date:
Dave Stone

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