Avian Illuminations

Avian Illuminations

by Boria Sax
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 13/10/2021

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An exquisitely illustrated journey through the complex and crucial relationship between humans and birds.

Avian Illuminations examines the many roles birds have played in human society, from food, messengers, deities, and pets, to omens, muses, timekeepers, custodians, hunting companions, decorative motifs, and, most importantly, embodiments of our aspirations. Boria Sax narrates the history of our relationships with a host of bird species, including crows, owls, parrots, falcons, eagles, nightingales, hummingbirds, and many more. Along the way, Sax describes how birds’ nesting has symbolized human romance, how their flight has inspired inventors throughout history, and he concludes by showing that the interconnections between birds and humans are so manifold that a world without birds would effectively mean an end to human culture itself. Beautifully illustrated, Avian Illuminations is a superb overview of humanity’s long and rich association with our avian companions.

Natural history
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Reaktion Books
Boria Sax

Boria Sax is lecturer in literature in the graduate programme of Mercy College, New York, as well as at Sing Sing and Taconic Prisons.

He has published over fifteen books which have been translated into many languages. These include Crow (Reaktion, 2003), City of Ravens: The Extraordinary History of London, its Tower and its Famous Ravens (2012), Imaginary Animals (Reaktion, 2013) and Lizard (Reaktion, 2017).

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