Basic Betacam Camerawork

Basic Betacam Camerawork

by Peter Ward
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 26/04/2013

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Basic Betacam Camerawork offers a complete introduction to both the analogue and digital beta camera formats: Betacam, Digital Beta, Betacam SX and DV & DVCAM. Step-by-step instructions are given covering everything from pre-recording checklists, to technical camera specifications, instruction on exposure and lighting, composition, editing and sound and techniques for different programme styles.

Aimed at TV camera operators just starting out and film cameramen and women converting to video this book will also appeal to students on film and television production courses.

Peter Ward is a freelance cameraman and trainer working with the International Television Training Consultancy and ex-Chairman of the Guild of Television Cameramen. He spent many years working on a variety of programmes at the BBC before becoming Head of Cameras at Television South West. Peter is author of the following books for Focal Press: Digital Video Camerawork, Picture Composition for Film and Video , Studio & Outside Broadcast Camerawork, TV Technical Operations and co-author of Multiskilling for TV Production.

Basic Betacam Camerawork offers a complete introduction to both the analogue and digital beta camera formats.

Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Taylor & Francis
Peter Ward

Peter Ward is a professor of biology and of Earth and space sciences at the University of Washington in Seattle, and has authored seventeen books, among them the prizewinning Rare Earth: Why Complex Life Is Uncommon in the Universe, with Donald Brownlee.

He also teaches as the University of Adelaide in Australia. He has been a main speaker at TED and has received the Jim Shea Award for popular science writing. He lives in Washington.

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