The fundamental concepts presented in this book are when to consider defensive tactics and how to select the most effective shot. This new awareness allows you to consider the many ways to offer your opponent one of many possible unfriendly layouts. You are going to have to give up one very bad habit – letting your imagination run wild.
Let your opponents continue following the bar-banger style of calling fantastic hero shots, such as, "5 ball, four rails, off the 7 and into the side pocket." It is a sign of pool player maturity to stop playing shots that a five year old can recognize as dumb. With that change in your attitude, this book, and some practice sessions, you can start using a few of those brain cells to make better playing decisions.
I don't need to wish you good luck. This book and some of your time is all you need to begin winning more games. You will actually discover that you can win more games simply by preventing your opponent from winning. And it is also more fun that simply outshooting him.
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