Beat Procrastination Like a Pro

Beat Procrastination Like a Pro

by Jessy Carris
Publication Date: 21/06/2024

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Are you tired of constantly procrastinating on important tasks and feeling overwhelmed by deadlines? Do you wish you could control your time and achieve your goals easily? “Beat Procrastination Like a Pro” is the ultimate guide to overcoming procrastination and unlocking your true potential.

Now you may ask, What is procrastination?

Procrastination is the act of deciding to delay or not complete a task you have committed to without a good reason and instead engaging in something less important. While there are no significant negative consequences of procrastination or not completing a given task or goal, your actions will lack efficiency and accountability. Procrastination is normal and extremely common; it can happen quickly, almost automatically, like a habit.

In this transformative book, you'll discover:

Different Types of Procrastination: To help you determine why you easily put things off, here are five different types of procrastination. Examples Perfectionists, The Dreamer, Avoidant/Self-Saboteur

The Root Cause of Procrastination: We need to understand that procrastination is fundamentally about emotions, not productivity. The solution doesn't involve downloading a time management app or learning new self-control strategies. It's about our ability to manage our emotions in an entirely new way.

Ways to Deal with the Feelings That Often Trigger Procrastination

Cultivate curiosity

Consider the next action.

Make your temptation more difficult.

Why People Procrastinate: People procrastinate because their desire to procrastinate is irrationally stronger than their desire to act. This happens when their self-control and motivation are weakened by issues such as exhaustion and counteracted by issues such as fear.

The 5 Top Tips to Stop Procrastination

Tools to Help You Stop Procrastinating: In this book are three of our favorite tools to stop procrastination—right now!

Whether you're a student, a working professional, an entrepreneur, or anyone else who struggles with procrastination, this book will provide the tools and inspiration you need to take decisive action and achieve your dreams. Say hello to a more productive and fulfilling life and goodbye to procrastination. Don't wait another minute.

Grab your copy of “Beat Procrastination Like a Pro." Start your journey to success and productivity today by Getting your copy NOW.

Self-help & personal development
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Jessy Carris

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