"Benita" is a fictional novel by H. Rider Haggard. The story follows the adventures of a trader named Seymour, who becomes obsessed with finding a legendary treasure that was supposedly buried by a group of Portuguese explorers many years before. In his quest to find the treasure, Seymour enlists the help of a mesmerist named Mr. Meeson, who puts a young girl named Benita into a trance. Through Benita's trance-induced visions, Seymour is able to piece together the story of the Portuguese explorers and their ill-fated expedition to find the treasure. As Seymour and his team search for the treasure, they encounter various dangers and obstacles, including hostile natives and treacherous terrain. Along the way, Seymour develops a romantic interest in Benita, who proves to be a valuable ally in their search for the treasure. Ultimately, Seymour and his team are able to locate the treasure, but not without suffering a number of losses and setbacks. The novel ends with Seymour and Benita returning to civilization, richer but wiser for their experiences.
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 03/01/2023
- 9789357486125
- 9789357486125
- Category:
- Adventure holidays
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- 03-01-2023
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Double 9 Books
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