Beryl and the St. Botolph's Ghost

Beryl and the St. Botolph's Ghost

by Ian Wright
Publication Date: 09/05/2015

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This is a story book for children. It is suitable for children between the ages of 6 and 12 years of age depending on reading ability.

Beryl Ramsbottom is being bullied by the horrible Piggy Sylvester and Slugs Mottram. One day, after running away, she hides under her favourite oak tree to tell it about her problems. Usually, the tree does not reply, but this time there are loud creaks and rustling from the branches. Just when Beryl has decided that the tree can talk back, there is a crash and a thud and Uzzi the goblin falls into her life.

However, Uzzi also has problems. His home in the graveyard at St. Botolph's church is haunted and his wife Klustia expects him to do something about it! Beryl and Uzzi decide to help each other and go their separate ways to get the information that they need.

After meeting again, this time at Uzzi's home in a mausoleum, it is Uzzi's wife Klustia who decides to use powerful magic to solve their problems. The magic is difficult to perform and the results are not what Klustia predicts. However, in the end, everyone including the ghost is happy with the results - except, perhaps, Piggy Sylvester and Slugs Mottram.

Personal & social issues: bullying
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Ian Wright
Ian Wright

Ian Wright runs Brilliant Maps, one of the most popular and most-visited cartographic sites on the internet. In addition to being a cartophile, he's also a keen walker. In 2015, he combined these two passions to become the first person to walk all of the new expanded London Tube Map. Originally from Canada, he now lives in the UK.

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