Best Served Cold

Best Served Cold

by John Franklin
Publication Date: 12/05/2015

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ricky st. pierre, an amoral career criminal, conceives of a blackmail scheme so heinous that it leaves even hardened police and prosecutors shaking their heads. st. pierre brutally uses and betrays the young girl who considers him her stepfather. three wealthy men are the targets of the scam. two lives are in tatters.

Arising from the ashes created by the crime, are three beautiful relationships. The reader is left hoping that lizzie smith, the stepdaughter can find the strength to make a new life for herself.

Crime & mystery
Publication Date:
John Franklin
John Franklin

John Franklin has been collecting Britains (and other) traditional toy soldiers for over sixty years and has a strong reputation as an expert upon them.

He has written numerous articles for Old Toy Soldier magazine, several of which form the basis of chapters within this book. He was born in Hull but now lives in Surrey.

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