- Popular, proven format: the previous edition sold more than 4,500 copies, strong numbers for a regional title
- Market: According to the 2017 North American Camping Report, 61 percent, or 75 million, of U.S. households are active campers
- 50 of the best campgrounds in East Tennessee, western North Carolina, northern Georgia, and western South Carolina
- Selections based on location, diverse topography and size, and overall appeal
- Now in full-color with a few new campgrounds
- Completely updated information—including such key details as fees, restrictions, dates of operation, and facilities
- User-friendly format for planning your trip based on interests and/or location
- Detailed maps and beautiful photographs
- Driving directions and GPS coordinates to campgrounds
- Ratings for beauty, privacy, spaciousness, quiet, safety, and cleanliness
- 9781634041508
- 9781634041508
- Travel & holiday
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Menasha Ridge Press
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