Better Together

Better Together

by Jim Tomberlin and Warren Bird
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 16/05/2016

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Thousands of Protestant churches are perplexed by plateaued or declining attendance, while other congregations nearby thrive. Is there a way for them to combine forces, drawing on both their strengths, in ways that also increase their missional impact? Church merger consultant Jim Tomberlin, with co-writer Warren Bird, makes the case that mergers today work best not with two struggling churches but with a vital, momentum-filled lead church partnering with a joining church. In this new book, they provide a complete, practical, hands-on guide for church leaders of both struggling and vibrant churches so that they can understand the issues, develop strategies, and execute a variety of forms of merger for church expansion and renewal to reinvigorate declining churches and give them a "second life."

Christian leaders & leadership
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Warren Bird

Warren Bird (PhD, Fordham University) is vice president of research for the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability ( He draws from twenty years of experience of pastoring and seminary teaching. He is an award - winning researcher and writer, having co-authored more than thirty books for church leaders. He and his college sweetheart wife live just outside of New York City.

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