Waldron's Gate, capital of Alterra. A land powered by steam, but inspired by the power of dreams, and surrounded by the mysterious Fog.
The Dream Engine explored this city. Now you are invited to go Beyond The Gate.
Twenty-three authors will take you over, under, into, and beyond the Fog in this cross-genre compilation of short stories.
From time travel to romance, young adult to horror, science fiction to historical fantasy, you'll discover tales that delight, intrigue, and maybe even shock you.
This is only the beginning.
Bobby Bigsby and the Sky Shaw — Jay Rosenkrantz
The Crown Reading — Monica Leonelle
The Wailing Woman — Blaine Moore
Dreaming Mountain — Jamie Maltman
Everyday Battles — A.T. Schubert
Upon a Misty Morning — E.W. Pierce
Round-about — Lisa Harvey
Missing Ivy — Stacy Claflin
Colin’s Garden — Ephraim Mallery
The Secrets of Storytelling — John McGuire
Untitled — Jack Worr
Decision Day — Cathy Pelham
The Tinker’s Tale — Joseph Mello
Scarletina: A Crumble Fairy Tale — Abe Cedarian
Betrayal — Kayla Halleur
Flight — Hal Leonard
Fog-born, Shifty and on the Fringe — Rob Laman
My Strength Will Ease Your Sorrow — Paul Jenny
The Cloud — Michael Hustleborn
Overflow — Missy Morgan
Gatekeeper — Karl J. Leis
Like Oil and Water, Steam and Electricity — Thomas Dattoli
The Short Adventure of Beatrix Weiland — Hector Manuel Elias Oliver
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