Black Christology and the Quest for Authenticity

Black Christology and the Quest for Authenticity

by John H. McClendon III
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 03/05/2019

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Black Christology and the Quest for Authenticity: A Philosophical Appraisal constitutes a philosophical inquiry on Black Theology and its attendant Black Christology. Explicitly, the philosophical examination of Black Theology conceptually maps its quest for establishing Black Christology as an authentic form within Christian theology. This text critically expounds on the methodologies and arguments, which guide how Black Theology specifically affirms Black Christology as the definitive paradigm for authentic Christianity. Significantly, the racialized character of Black Theology immediately sets this discourse within the context of philosophy of race. Clearly, the philosophy of race in terms of its substance and scope is continually expanding. Notably, the philosophy of religion in its conceptual association with the African American experience considerably enriches the content of the philosophy of race. Therefore, Black Christology and the Quest for Authenticity: A Philosophical Appraisal stands as a unique contribution to philosophy of race. Summarily, while this book tackles the formidable problem of Christian theological subject matter, nonetheless, the reader must be aware that this is not a work executed methodologically in any theological manner, inclusive of Christian theology. Subsequently, while the object of our investigation substantively remains theological in character, the method of investigation is guided by philosophical inquiry, which is based on secular principles. Furthermore, although, most mainstream works in philosophy of religion, along with theology neglect to exam African American theologians and philosophers, the subject matter of Black Christology substantially facilitates in filling this intellectual void.

Philosophy of religion
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Lexington Books

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