This short technical paper presents an alternate matematical approach for determining the blinking frequency of our universe. The source for this alternate idea comes from an email sent to this author in May 2015. The source author prefers to remain anonymous. Basically, let's think about the fundamental unit of the universe as a classical entity. The energy of such a classical entity, using the equipartition theorem, translates the number of degrees of freedom into "units" of k_B*T (where T is the temperature and k_B is the well-known Boltzmann constant). In this way, we find that the fundamental energy is 3*k_B*T (6 d.o.f.). We use a foundational temperature, consistent with the anthropic principle, of the freezing point (and melting point) of the essential object for existence-- water. Using this temperature, we obtain a fundamental energy of ~70.6 meV. Calculation is as follows:
70.6 meV / (\hbar \pi^4) = 1.1 THz.
Note that the \pi^4 in general is \pi^D, where D is the number of spacetime dimensions in existence. Each reader must comprehend that our universe is literally blinking off and on, at 1.1 trillion times every second (THz).
For those unconvinced that our universe is blinking, please read "The First Periodic Table for Elementary Particles," or "1024 Elementary Particles" which provides compelling mathematical evidence. Also see youtube: Colonel Philip Corso, THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL; author comments on the Army's investigation of the 1947 Roswell vehicle; "We were never able to figure out how the propulsion system works... We only know it has something to do with blinking."
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