Blowing up Ukraine

Blowing up Ukraine

by Yuri Felshtinsky and Michael Stanchev
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 12/07/2022

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Presciently researched before the invasion of Ukraine, Blowing up Ukraine is the first comprehensive investigation into the lethal methods Russia has used since 1999 to take over Ukraine – culminating in full-blown unprovoked war in 2022 and mounting atrocities. In this chilling, riveting and alarming narrative the authors cite ample evidence, draw historical analogies, and marshal sources that are new, little known, or anonymous by necessity.Over twenty years, Vladimir Putin skilfully manipulated Ukraine's self-serving politicians and oligarchs, only to be thwarted time and again by peaceful revolutions of ordinary Ukrainians – the Maidan – against government corruption and being pushed into Russia's arms. As Putin became obsessed with conquering Ukraine, Blowing up Ukraine shows how the Kremlin has become a threat to global stability and Ukraine is almost certain to be the first battleground of World War III if the West is not careful to take a stance

European history
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Gibson Square
Yuri Felshtinsky

Yuri Felshtinsky co-wrote the book with Alexander Litvinenko and is an expert on Russias secret service and was a Hoover Institute Fellow at the University of Stanford. He appears with regularity on BBC and Sky news to comment on Russian affairs.

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