After several successful missions over the past three years, Hannah, Petra and Heidi are preparing for their most dangerous mission yet. Hitler's "Directive 18, also known as Operation Felix" is back on the table and the Third Reich generals are storming ahead with preparations.
Whilst Spain struggles with staying neutral, they are constantly pressured from both the Axis and Allied powers to join the war, pay offs to the tune of millions are paid to Franco in an effort to sway his decision from both sides. The Allies are fully aware that Franco and Hitler are close friends, also that Franco allows SS agents to operate in Spain and that he has always had a powerful desire to take Gibraltar back from the British.
The girls hook up with other female allied agents from France and head for Spain, their objective, make contact with all the SS agents and take them out before "Operation Felix" can commence, destroy any and all invasion support fuel and ammo dumps.
Their struggle continues…
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