US Navy intelligence analyst Ryan Evans is used to treating life like a code to be deciphered. But a brutal kidnapping in the Iraqi desert presents him with an excruciating dilemma that turns his whole world upside down.Back home in Texas, the serial killer dubbed ‘Bone Man’ is about to be released, amid allegations that the wrong man was put behind bars. When Bone Man strikes again, hunter becomes hunted and Evans must risk everything he has to win a cruel game – and protect everything he loves.A tense psychological puzzle that explores the complexity and compromises of relationships, this is a dark and frightening thriller that drills into the ultimate battleground between good and evil – the human heart.
- 9781848948488
- 9781848948488
- Thriller / suspense
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- John Murray Press
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