Mother gave a 'General Significance' to many flowering plants with a wide colour range and She at times noted on Her commentary for a particular significance, toute les couleurs (all the colours) or 'all the double colours', etc., yet often She gave a name for each colour as well. Mother has given us the 'messages' of eleven bougainvilleas with the first a 'General Significance', 'Protection', applying to all bougainvilleas regardless of their colour, shape or composition. One hybrid, 'Mahara', has double bracts forming a dense cluster. Mother revealed its message as 'Attempt towards Protection' and She comments: "Irregular efforts are not always effective."
In this book we share our photographs of all the forms that Mother revealed, together with Her comments and writings on Protection along with those of Sri Aurobindo, and welcome you to look more deeply at bougainvilleas as they vibrate with their power of protection.
Narad (Richard Eggenberger)
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