Breaking Down How Usage and Ad Access Can Impact Your Content Creation Business

Breaking Down How Usage and Ad Access Can Impact Your Content Creation Business

by Kenny Hartmann
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 01/05/2024

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Protect Your Influence! The goal of this ebook is to empower you, as content creators, to feel justified when seeking terms in an agreement that are in your best interest. It is very easy for content creators to “give in” on certain terms when negotiating agreements. Obviously, settling on what is a fair rate is important, but all too often creators can feel guilted into giving away usage rights, exclusivity terms, or other rights that are not in their best interest. Personally, I have seen that this guilt is not always brought on by the brand partners, but sometimes by creators, themselves, simply because it doesn’t feel like that “big of a deal.” This ebook will break down why those things could be a huge deal.

Sales & marketing
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Hartmann Collabs

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