Study Guide compares the novel Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson to the movie Bridge to Terabithia(2007) starring Josh Hutcherson, AnnaSophia Robb and Zooey Deschanel. Directed by Gabor Csupo. Walt Disney Pictures. Many plot points are accurate in this movie version. The movie adds plots, characters, and themes that are not in the book, but the general story sticks to the book. It’s worth watching if you keep in mind that in the book Jess and Leslie are 10-years-old, not teenagers, and the book does not have a giant troll and flying monsters.
- A Teacher Time-Saver - Perfect for CCSS - Distance Learning or Homeschooling -
The Common Core Standards call for comparing the novel text to a different version, especially a film version. Movie Version study guides provide reliable information about the comparison to know if student responses are accurate. Movie Version study guides compare the movie of a book to the book itself. The study guides cover both the plot and characters in the movie and the book.
Each study guide contains:
The Movie: A scene-by-scene comparison with chapters in the book, including errors and omissions in the movie.
The Book: Complete chapter-by-chapter summaries of the book.
How Accurate is the Movie? Each study guide rates the movie’s accuracy according to Plot, Characters, Setting, Structure, Symbols, and Theme and reveals what’s in the movie that’s NOT in the book and what’s in the book that’s NOT in the movie.
Digitally download the movie version study guide today to find out how the movie is not like the book.
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