Bullet Points captures the complexity, tragedy, and hope of warfare and violence in human and nonhuman society, with reprints and original stories every three months. The January 2024 issue (Volume 4) presents stories on a combat theme:
Original Stories
- Joe Prosit, "Instant War"
- Lucas Enne, "Revival"
- Lesley L. Smith, "Wartime Telework"
- Henry McFarland, "Every Soldier's Right"
- Andrew Knighton, "The Sound of War"
- Daniel Elliot, "Contract Killer"
- Rick Kennett, "The Carmel B Crazies"
- Nathan W. Toronto, Review of Refractions, by M. V. Melcer
- 9798224852055
- 9798224852055
- Science fiction
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- ​Bullet Point Press
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