This new edition:
Adds descriptive titles to each of Burke's five parts.
Corrects Burke's inaccurate quotations.
Translates Burke's foreign language quotations.
Adds accurate citations for all references.
Provides a bibliography of scholarly work on Burke's philosophy of art since 1995.
Lists English editions of Burke's essay on the sublime from 1757 to 2008.
Includes a 6350-word historical/philosophical introduction.
Incorporates Burke's footnotes and glosses into the text.
Modernizes and Americanizes spelling and punctuation.
Adds editorial material in [square brackets].
Aims to provide an inexpensive, reliable, and textually rigorous digital version of this seminal text in the philosophy of art, Burke's essay on the sublime, which heretofore has been unavailable as an e-book.
- 9781621306801
- 9781621306801
- Philosophy: aesthetics
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- ​gegensatz
This item is delivered digitally
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