This edition features
• a linked Table of Contents and linked Footnotes
I. Starting for the Field
II. Under the Red Cross
III. On the Edge of War
IV. War Correspondents and Despatch-Boats
V. Off for Santiago
VI. The Cuban Coast
VII. The Fight at Guantanamo
VIII. The Landing and Advance of the Army
IX. A Walk To the Front
X. Siboney on the Eve of Battle
XI. The Battles of Caney and San Juan
XII. The Field-Hospital
XIII. Siboney during the Armistice
XIV. Entering Santiago Harbor
XV. The Captured City
XVI. The Feeding of the Hungry
XVII. Morro Castle
XVIII. Fever in the Army
XIX. The Santiago Campaign
XX. The Santiago Campaign (Continued)
XXI. The Santiago Campaign (Concluded)
- 1230000098592
- 1230000098592
- History of the Americas
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- VolumesOfValue
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