Shelby the Capybara and the Patriotic Picnic is a heartwarming children's tale that follows the mischievous capybara named Shelby as she accidentally eats the American flag, causing a stir in the small town of Willow Creek where everyone is preparing for Independence Day celebrations. Feeling guilty for ruining the festivities, Shelby embarks on a journey to make things right, learning valuable lessons about responsibility, forgiveness, and the true meaning of patriotism along the way. With colorful illustrations and a delightful storyline, this charming book is sure to entertain young readers and spark important conversations about making amends and embracing differences.
- 9798224160266
- 9798224160266
- Category:
- Animal stories (Children's / Teenage)
- Publication Date:
- 07-04-2024
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Max Marshall
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