Carillion 3: Two Graves

Carillion 3: Two Graves

by Alexander Hill
Publication Date: 20/04/2019

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Patrick Sanderson, a member of a prominent Glasgow family and a City Councillor is found dead in Glasgow’s Botanic Gardens. There are very few clues, just an old, World War 2 pistol and a sighting of a street dweller who may have witnessed the murder.

Carilion struggles find a motive for the killing and digging through the Sanderson family history he finds more than he bargained for. The Sanderson family’s skeletons are uncovered and Patrick’s mother is planning to expose the seedier side of the city. When the only possible witness is found dead things get more complicated.

And when another body turns up, politics, money, murder, mystery and revenge come together and Carillion is caught in the middle. Time is short and his team under pressure to solve the mystery and break the cycle of revenge.

Crime & mystery
Publication Date:
Alexander Hill
Alexander Hill

Alexander Hill is an associate professor in military history at the University of Calgary in Canada, and specialises in Soviet military history from 1917 to 1945. He has published a range of books and articles that cover not only the Red Army at war but also the Soviet Navy and Soviet partisan movement. He is based in Alberta, Canada.

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