Chapter 2. Can Archetypal Images Contain Chimeras?

Chapter 2. Can Archetypal Images Contain Chimeras?

by Olga Skorbatyuk and Andrey Davydov
Publication Date: 02/10/2015

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Images of natural objects and phenomena are not only understandable by any inhabitant of the world, regardless of his or her nationality, religious views, level of education and intelligence and so on, but also cannot be destroyed as a result of wars, revolutions, catastrophes, and collapse of cultures, which have occurred in the history of humanity in huge quantities, destroying huge layers of information. According to researchers, about 10,000 years before the Christian era, there was a period that lasted for several centuries, when any knowledge was suppressed, any information got destroyed, monuments were overthrown, and all material traces of disappeared civilizations were literally erased from the face of the earth. With this in mind, the ancient sages went to inconceivable extremes to make certain that their knowledge is preserved.

Psychological theory & schools of thought
Publication Date:
HPA Press

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