Chapter War

Chapter War

by Ben Counter
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 15/11/2016

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Declared excommunicate from the Adeptus Astartes many years ago, and led by the heroic Sarpedon, the Soul Drinkers are desperate to restore themselves back into the good graces of the Imperium. When the planet of Vanqualis comes under attack from orks, the Soul Drinkers answer, Sarpedon seeing a chance to prove their loyalty. But factions within the Chapter are moving against the brave leader, eager to tread a different path, one that will lead to Chaos. Matters are complicated further when the Howling Griffons Chapter arrives on Vanqualis, too, and Sarpedon finds he has enemies on three fronts. Survival, the fate of Vanqualis and the Chapter itself are all at stake.

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The second act of the Soul Drinkers saga begins, as the Chapter tries to remain true to their Imperial ideals... but with Chaos in their midst and the Imperium not their biggest fans, they could be in trouble...

Science fiction
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Black Library
Ben Counter

Ben Counter is a lifelong gamer and miniature enthusiast living in the UK, near Portsmouth. He is best known for his series of novels for Games Workshop including the Grey Knights and Soul Drinkers series, and has also written supplements for roleplaying games including Dark Heresy, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and World of Darkness. He is a founder of Death Spiral Games, publisher of the RPG Sleeper- Orphans of the Cold War.

Trademarks of his fiction include flights of Moorcockian strangeness, gruesome horror, blood-spattered action scenes and stratospheric body counts. A connoisseur of creative ways to waste time, he is a passionate (and, he likes to point out, award-winning) miniature painter, as well as a regular at his local game shop where he can be found playing miniature wargames, refereeing tournaments of Magic- the Gathering or running RPGs.

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