Chelsea’s Season 2014/15

Chelsea’s Season 2014/15

by Simon JohnsonJames Olley and Glenn Moore
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 28/05/2015

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This was the year that Jose Mourinho delivered on his promise to bring the Premier League trophy to Stamford Bridge and did so in emphatic style.
Some had their doubts whether Chelsea were wise to reappoint the Special One back in 2013, but their voices have been well and truly silenced now.
Mourinho guaranteed he would win the title in his second season back in charge of his beloved Chelsea and that's exactly what he did in arguably the most dominating campaign in recent history as they led for a record 268 days.
This ebook documents the story of a quite remarkable triumph where the Blues led, the second weekend aside, from start to finish and their rivals simply had no answer.
Helped by the dazzling skills of Footballer of the Year Eden Hazard, the fight of top scorer Diego Costa, the artistry of midfielder Cesc Fabregas and leadership of captain John Terry, Chelsea literally proved too tough to beat.
In the first half of the season, there was no better team to watch as Mourinho abandoned his more conservative approach to entertain football fans up and down the country.
While things became more attritional after the new year, Mourinho still demonstrated why he is the best manager in the country by finding ways for his team to win games when the team was below their best.
As frustration grew among their beleaguered opponents, accusations over being 'boring' were thrown Chelsea's way.
But it was Mourinho and Chelsea who had the last laugh as the club won their fourth, his third, English championship in 11 years and no-one could argue they didn't deserve it.

American football
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Evening Standard Limited
Simon Johnson

SIMON JOHNSON is the Ronald A. Kurtz Professor of Entrepreneurship in the Sloan School at MIT, where he is also head of the Global Economics and Management group.

Previously chief economist at the International Monetary Fund, he has worked on global economic crises and recoveries for thirty years. Johnson has published more than 300 high-impact pieces in leading publications such as the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Atlantic, and Financial Times.

He is the co-author (with Jonathan Gruber) of Jump-Starting America, and (with James Kwak) of White House Burning and the national bestseller 13 Bankers. He works with entrepreneurs, elected officials, and civil society organizations around the world.

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