Since the beginning of time, the human being has wondered about its origin, purpose and destiny, prevailing a superstitious, mystical, esoteric, spiritual and religious thought, which was decaying, throughout history, to give way to the scientific and philosophical modern thought (materialist, secular and post-positivist), and a conflict between science and religions.
Currently, there is also an ideological confrontation between two extremes of the religious thought. On the one hand, the Christianity (a new version of Judaism), based on the existence of Jesus and the incredible miracle of his resurrection, proclaims the power and sovereignty of God, who far exceeds the imperfect and sinful human being. And on the other hand, the New Age (atypical union of Eastern polytheistic religions and distorted monotheistic religions) minimizes the Lord, dispersing Him in the energies of the universe and in different religions, underestimates Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and states that the human being will be a god and the ruler of the universe. Furthermore, the New Age denies the biblical conception of sin and the existence of good and evil.
Finally, the Christianity is a true monotheistic religion, which promotes objective principles and values, whose legacy goes from the origin and development of science to the implementation of the Christian ethics. While the New Age is more a pseudoreligion, diffuse and heterogeneous, that supports the relativization of morals and ethics (in accordance with the postmodern thought), and seeks to put an end to monotheistic religions and scientific methods.
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